Bring on the tacky tidings

It’s the Christmas season! Yippee!  You know how I know this?  Not because the decorations are up in stores. That happened in September.  And not because the snow finally started flying, although that did help.  Nope, the Christmas music has started on the radio stations.  At least the radio has the decency to wait until [...]

By |2016-12-02T14:34:49-07:00December 2nd, 2016|Community, Introspections|0 Comments

Adventures at the Fair – dog shows, taxidermy

I’ve recently returned from a trip down south.  Douglas, to be specific.  It’s Wyoming State Fair time and my boys were fortunate enough to have had a great Sheridan County Fair so we joined the parade of livestock trailers down the interstate. As I was musing on the subject for this column, I couldn’t help [...]

By |2016-12-13T15:45:28-07:00August 22nd, 2016|Introspections|0 Comments

‘What’s the salt on that caramel?’ and other useful phrases

There are some who think I have my own language.  This is probably because I make up words to suit my needs.  For example, the term ‘stuade,’ pronounced stwaid.  It’s kind of fun to see in print, isn’t it?  Stuade is actually a word one of my college friends made up and I use it [...]

By |2016-12-13T15:45:28-07:00July 8th, 2016|Introspections|1 Comment

We don’t just sound the alarm

I just saw a very funny commercial.  Almost as funny as the one from Geico with the mom calling the James Bond-like son during a high pressure situation and wanting to talk to him about the squirrel infestation at the parental home.  I want to say right up front that I would never do something [...]

By |2016-12-13T15:45:28-07:00May 18th, 2016|Community, Introspections|0 Comments

Resources in sunny climes

Have I mentioned that I just returned from sunny California?  It was a huge sacrifice to leave Wyoming in March for the Bay Area but one must make sacrifices for one’s professional development.  Call me the sacrificial lamb.  Baaa.  I headed to the land of fruits and nuts (or vineyards and palm trees) to attend [...]

By |2016-12-13T15:45:28-07:00May 18th, 2016|Community, Introspections|0 Comments

Weather – it’s not just for meteorologists

Editor’s Note: We are publishing some favorite past posts (unfortunate but necessary alliteration) so the time references might be confusing.  Forge on. My family and I just returned from a gorgeous horse pack trip into the Bighorns for four days.  The laundry is epic and our sunburn impressive but it was all worth it.  As someone [...]

By |2016-12-13T15:45:29-07:00January 25th, 2016|Introspections|0 Comments

Let’s call it a syndrome

Editor's Note: We are publishing some favorite past posts (unfortunate but necessary alliteration) so the time references might be confusing.  Forge on. I am hopelessly overscheduled.  Ask my people.  One of my best friends calls it my “syndrome.”  She says that the fact that I am absolutely unable to plan nothing for an entire day means [...]

By |2016-12-13T15:45:29-07:00January 25th, 2016|Introspections|0 Comments

Winter illness – a gentle reminder of our mortality

Ah, the sweet sounds of January at the Albrecht house: “cough, cough, hack, sneeze, cough, hack.”  Yes, the crud has arrived without invitation and looks to be staying past its expiration date. Jeriann, my intrepid Project Coordinator, is a strong believer in the power of essential oils to repel or lessen the symptoms of the [...]

By |2016-12-13T15:45:29-07:00January 25th, 2016|Introspections|0 Comments
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