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About Amy Albrecht

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So far Amy Albrecht has created 89 blog entries.

Let ‘kind and civil’ describe us

Kindness and civility.  Has anyone ever used those two terms to describe their children’s relationship with each other?  I doubt it.  And if they did, it would be the Chardonnay talking.  It doesn’t matter how much I try to instill the importance of being kind to the boys, apparently, it does not begin at home.  [...]

By |2018-03-04T16:49:02-07:00March 4th, 2018|Community, Community Events|2 Comments

Who’s the turkey now?

Thanksgiving is almost upon us.  It is a time to give thanks, gather friends and family together, watch football and, of course, eat oneself into a turkey coma. Mike and I have been hosting Turkey Day since way before we got married and it’s always been a blast.  We take in all the orphans – [...]

By |2017-11-17T09:43:39-07:00November 17th, 2017|Community, Introspections|0 Comments

Family road trip disaster? No! Epic story!

I recently returned from a road trip to my hometown in Illinois with my niece. It's about an 18-hour drive and other than western South Dakota and Nebraska, the scenery is less than breathtaking. (My apologies to crop landscape devotees. No offense intended.).   Other than going west instead of north and not realizing it until [...]

By |2017-09-11T18:36:21-06:00September 11th, 2017|Introspections|1 Comment

This sale’s for you

I am a dude.  Not a dude in the surfer sense or as a Big Lebowski reference.  Specifically, a city-dweller, especially one vacationing on a ranch in the western United States (credit: dictionary.com).  This is why I was fortunate enough to make Wyoming my home lo these 25 years ago.  The HF Bar Ranch in Saddlestring, [...]

By |2017-08-04T11:15:59-06:00August 4th, 2017|Community, Community Events|0 Comments

Digging in to my summer reading list

I like to think of myself as a voracious reader.  Isn’t that a great word?  Voracious.  Rolls off the tongue.  I probably would be a voracious reader if life didn’t get in the way.  Work, family and friends tend to conspire to lure me away from my towering stack of books.  I generally have anywhere [...]

By |2017-05-31T13:38:33-06:00May 31st, 2017|Introspections|2 Comments

Parents – teenager training

Parenting a teenager is not for weenies.  Those of you who have undertaken it know the struggle is real.  Those of you who have only been teens should remember the awkwardness, the endless moments of humiliation, the fear of being noticed, the fear of being unnoticed.  It's just brutal. The surging hormones mean teens are [...]

By |2017-04-24T20:13:38-06:00April 24th, 2017|Community, Community Events, Introspections|2 Comments

Birthdays and funfests

  I love March.  It means so many things.  Daffodils (my all-time fave flower) from the American Cancer Society.  The chance that spring (my all-time fave season) might actually arrive.  March Madness, which pretty much annually features the Kansas Jayhawks (my all-time fave team).  In addition and most importantly, it’s the month of my birthday!  [...]

By |2017-04-24T18:47:22-06:00April 24th, 2017|Community, Community Events, Introspections|0 Comments
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