The travel bug has returned

I’m pretty sure I’ve packed more travel into my life in the last two months than in the last several years. BK (before kids), I was a traveling fool, and my passport got a workout. Once the first boy arrived and the second one followed, I was fully tethered to them and our local environs. [...]

By |2024-08-15T16:17:54-06:00August 15th, 2024|Community, Community Events, Introspections|0 Comments

Cleaning out – the gift that keeps giving

My niece and I made another pilgrimage to the homeland, Peoria, IL, to visit my dad this week. Not unexpectedly, but still, very sadly, nothing has really changed since he went into the nursing home last October. Our stay allowed me to look around my dad and stepmom’s house with fresh eyes, thinking about the [...]

By |2024-08-15T16:15:25-06:00August 15th, 2024|Introspections|0 Comments
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